The Digital Twin City project aims to develop a "Digital Twin" prototype that includes a detailed digital representation of a city area focused on Piazza Navona, in the heart of Rome, and an important historical and cultural building, the Chiostro del Bramante. This prototype will be integrated with data from satellite monitoring, such as urban green distribution, tree health, surface temperature, and air and water quality. In addition, vehicle-based monitoring will be used to achieve a very high level of detail, enabling changes in street furniture to be detected and malfunctions in street lighting service to be reported. This innovative digital platform will provide a real-time and highly detailed view of the urban environment, facilitating efficient resource management and improving the quality of life for citizens.
The Digital Twin City (DTC) developed by the project integrates a wide range of data from different sources and sensors, with different update frequencies. This integration allows for more in-depth analysis of cause/effect relationships and identification of past time trends, thus providing a basis for predicting future changes in urban elements and related phenomena.
The collected dataset would otherwise be difficult to combine through conventional geospatial analysis. However, with Digital Twin City, it will be possible to contextualize urban problems more clearly and intuitively, gaining a deeper understanding of temporal dynamics. This will make it possible to formulate more accurate assessments that consider evolution over time, as well as to evaluate future scenarios and solutions with greater accuracy and timeliness.
In the future, the DTC created by the project will be expanded with additional information layers, both satellite and from socio-economic databases, and, thanks to statistical analyses on the acquired data, will enable the development of data-intensive predictive models.
Digital Twin City

FUNDED BY Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale Programma Operativo regionale del Lazio
FUNDED UNDER FESR Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale Programma Operativo regionale del Lazio